Get thinking, get involved, share your creative ideas with us and you'll be rewarded!
- the contest is open to ALL youngsters aged 11-13
- to enter the contest, you have to leave an interesting and original comment to one of the posts from Shakespeare School blog
When you fulfil these requirements, you are officialy registered as participant in this competition and you can start writing your essay!
Where would you like to go this summer? Write a 250 word essay to present your dream summer camp location choosing as destination ONE of the pictures below:
Kilimanjaro Mountain

Gobi Desert

Amazon Jungle

Maya Temples

You may refer to:
- reasons for your choice
- exotic attractions to be visited
- unusual things to explore
- extreme activities to enjoy, etc
The creativity of the ideas expressed is more important than perfect English grammar.
1st Prize:
- a 20 hour English summer course at Shakespeare School; you can choose between: "Around the world in 10 days with National Geographic" or "Teenagers Remake of Twilight", worth 340 RON
- course materials, worth 50 RON
- 1 copy of Visual Dictionary and 1 Fischer International document bag (worth 125 RON)
2nd Prize:
- a 20 hour English summer course at Shakespeare School; you can choose between: "The Magic World of Narnia & Harry Potter" or "The Lost Treasures of the Pirates", worth 340 RON
- course materials, worth 50 RON
- 1 copy of Colins Cobuild Intermediate Dictionary + CD ROM and a Fischer International document bag
3rd Prize:
- books from Fischer International: one reader pack, consisting of 5 books
- a document bag offered by Fischer International
+ 5 Special Prizes x 1 book from Fischer International
Important notes:
- participation is FREE OF CHARGE
- all submitted essays will receive a Certificate of Participation to our essay competition
- winning essays and other essays of merit will receive an Essay Award Certificate
- all winning essays will be posted on Shakespeare School blog
- all essays must be written in English
- all essays must be original and unpublished
- word count: 200-250 words
- please use the information below as a guideline for your cover page. All requested information must be included as indicated:
Name :
Telephone number:
E-mail address:
Judging criteria
- Essays will be judged on clarity, originality, creativity
- Judges: essays will be evaluated by a panel of judges comprising Shakespeare School staff
All essays must be submitted by June 1, 2009.
How to submit
- E-mail a copy of your essay as a Microsoft Word Document to
- An e-mail will be sent confirming the receipt of your submission
We will announce the winners on the 10th of June, 2009.
More details about Shakespeare School summer courses can be found at .