Urmariti ce au declarat cativa dintre participantii cursului intensiv de vara desfasurat la Shakespeare School (pregatitor pentru sustinerea examenului IELTS):
My main 2 reasons why I chose to come and study at Shakespeare School was: 1. the way the IELTS exam and course were presented when Shakespeare School's team came to our highschool and the second one, the way my English teacher recommended me this school.
The IELTS course met my expectations because during this course I learned a lot of things, especially tips concerning the exam. I can say that I improved my vocabulary and I am very satisfied with this.
I enjoyed my time spent at Shakespeare School because I completely loved the atmosphere, the staff was very friendly and extremely professional. And overall, I think it was a very useful experience especially for me, because it helped me overcome my problems with the speaking part :).- Criste Raluca Octavia, CNMV (premiul II la concursul de eseuri al Shakespeare School).
Ce parere aveti de feedback-ul lor?
Noi le multumim pentru ca ne-au impartasit impresiile de la curs, care nu fac decat sa ne bucure!
luni, 6 iulie 2009