Pana aici, nimic deosebit ati putea spune, insa Irina (caci asa o cheama) a facut naveta de la Faurei (jud. Braila) la Bucuresti, special pentru a ajunge la acest curs! A facut pe drum aproximativ 2 ore dus si inca 2 ore intors, de 3 ori pe saptamana!
I-am luat un mini-interviu in limba engleza pentru a o cunoaste mai bine si a afla parerea ei despre cursul la care a participat pe parcursul celor 3 saptamani "intensive":
1. Hi Irina! Please tell us a few words about you....
Hello!!!My name's Irina Irimia,I'm 16 years old,and I study in Faurei,a small town from Braila county,at ''George Valsan'' School.I am a very sociable person,I love to travel and I consider having and making friends the greatest treasures in a man's life.The only thing that I glory with is my mother who,six months ago,gave birth to my little brother,Luca.
2. What do you think about your lessons in Shakespeare School?
The classes which I attended at Shakespeare School were not only very useful and interesting,but also funny.I'm fairly sure that mixing fun with the burning ambition of being better and better all the time, is the best recipe of succeeding in learning English,and not only.
3. ...how about your teacher?
Ms. Nicoleta Dinescu,my teacher from the Summer Course ''Preparing for CAE'',is the only one responsable for what I learnt in those 3 weeks.Those ''tiny little''[:))] things that she taught us in matter of English are the most precious things that your school could ever offer to me.Her enthusiasm and pleasure in teaching English were also remarkable...
4. What do you like most about Shakespeare School?
I like your school beacuse there I found something different,something which convince me to continue to fly high...I must confess that the first thing which caught my attention when I read about you on the Internet was the opportunity that you are offering to pupils and students to learn English in countries like England and U.S.A.
5. Will you recommend Shakespeare School to your friends? Why?
Thank you for your time and for your positive feedback!
Probabil ca ati remarcat din interviu ca Irina are o personalitate deosebita: extrem de comunicativa, ambitioasa si sociabila! Am apreciat si faptul ca s-a adaptat foarte usor cu stilul de lucru de la Shakespeare School si s-a imprietenit repede cu toata lumea!
Irina, te FELICITAM pentru ambitia ta de a-ti perfectiona limba engleza! Am apreciat foarte mult ca ai facut un efort sa participi la cursurile noastre, avand in vedere distanta mare pe care ai avut-o de parcurs. Iti dorim sa reusesti sa urmezi un curs de vara si in Anglia, la una din scolile noastre de vara!
Keep up the good work!