marți, 30 iunie 2009

Invata engleza cu...cantec!

Cum iti poti imbogati vocabularul in engleza, distrandu-te in acelasi timp? Raspunsul il poti afla prin cantec...

Cu siguranta multora dintre voi le place sa cante (chiar daca au sau nu voce), insa poate ca nu v-ati gandit pana acum ce rol important poate avea cantatul in invatarea limbii engleze! Nu mai e un secret faptul ca peste jumatate din melodiile din intreaga lume sunt in limba engleza, ceea ce devine o ocazie foarte buna de a o exersa. Ascultand si iar ascultand melodii de pe alte meleaguri, poti invata noi cuvinte si expresii, imbogatindu-ti astfel vocabularul intr-un mod distractiv!

Ai o melodie preferata? Google-uieste-o! Poti gasi cu usurinta versurile, dar si un videoclip pe Youtube al piesei, dupa care ai tot ceea ce iti trebuie pentru a o invata la randul tau! Pentru inceput, incearca sa intelegi singur versurile, deducand din context (nu trebuie sa intelegi cuvant cu cuvant)! Daca totusi nu stii semnificatia vreunui cuvant te sfatuiesc sa apelezi la un dictionar englez-englez si apoi sa treci mai departe.

Un ultim sfat: fii atent cand iti alegi genul de muzica pe care vrei sa-l asculti in scopul invatarii limbii engleze; rap-ul s-ar putea sa nu fie cea mai buna alternativa avand in vedere cuvintele argotice folosite foarte des (pe care nici macar unii vorbitori nativi nu le cunosc)!

Acestea fiind spuse, da muzica mai tare in difuzoare si apuca-te de cantat!

In final, v-am pregatit si o surpriza: un mic quiz pe muzica lui Louis Armstrong, ideal pentru a va expune la limba engleza! Enjoy...

Ti-a placut acest quiz? Vezi si Quiz in ritmuri de reggae!

duminică, 28 iunie 2009

Conferinta centrelor de limbi straine

Profesori si manageri ai centrelor de limbi straine din toata tara s-au intalnit recent la Iasi pentru conferinta internationala QUEST (Asociatia pentru Calitatea Serviciilor Lingvistice), avand ca tema "Creativitate si Inovatie pentru Promovarea Multilingvismului si a Dialogului Interetnic" .

Conferinta a fost o ocazie pentru toti cei implicati in domeniul predarii limbilor straine de a schimba idei si de a se pune la curent cu subiecte noi, relevante pentru acest domeniu. Printre seminarii s-au numarat: Management of innovation, Promoting multilingualism, Blended learning, Learning and teaching all life long, etc. Daca termenii vi se par nefamiliari, nu va faceti griji, fiti insa siguri ca veti beneficia de acestia pe viitor in cadrul cursurilor de la Shakespeare School.

La conferinta au participat presedintele asociatiei QUEST, Ovidiu Ursa (aflat in prim plan) si profesori si manageri atat din tara cat si din Spania, Turcia, Grecia, Lituania, Slovenia, Marea Britanie, Austria si Belgia!

Conferinta s-a bucurat si de prezenta lui Richard Rossner, CEO la EAQUALS ( The European Association for Quality Language Services), alaturi de care ma aflu in poza de mai jos:
Ne-am simtit cu totii foarte bine la Iasi, ne-am bucurat de parfumul teilor infloriti, dar in acelasi timp ne-am intalnit cu colegi din mai multe tari si am invatat lucruri noi care cu siguranta ne vor ajuta in meseria noastra!

In loc de incheiere, va ofer o imagine a teiului lui Eminescu din parcul Copou:

miercuri, 24 iunie 2009

Reportaj despre premiere la Radio Romania Actualitati

Contine interviuri cu premiantii dar si cu directorul Shakespeare School despre competitia de eseuri.

Materialul a fost difuzat pe Radio Romania Actualitati, dati click pe play pentru a-l asculta si voi:

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marți, 23 iunie 2009

Difuzare reportaj radio

La Radio Romania Cultural va aparea un nou material privind premiile de la concursul de eseuri Shakespeare School.

Reportajul va putea fi ascultat pe frecventa 101,3 FM, Joi (25 iunie), intre orele 21,30-22,00, in cadrul emisiunii EduExplorer. Stati cu urechile pe noi!

luni, 22 iunie 2009

Eseu premiul III: categoria de varsta 11-13 ani

Why my choice is the Amazon Jungle?

As much as I would be curious about the Kilimanjaro Mountain because of its long history, its unique vegetation or the idea that it’s Africa’s highest mountain or the Kilimanjaro National Park, I wouldn’t take the chance to be whipped off by the lava in case of eruption (which it is said it is possible to happen any time).

Also, as much as I would like to see a place like the Gobi Desert, which is the fifth largest in the world and Asia’s largest desert, a place where there were found dinosaurs fossils and where you can still find so many species of animals, I wouldn’t take up with the cold/ too hot weather there. It is known that the Gobi Desert has a climate of high extremes and rapid changes of temperatures, extreme dryness in the winter and icy sandstorms and snowstorms.

I have to admit that I was a bit undecided about weather to choose my summer camp adventure to be at the Maya temples or in the Amazon Jungle. The Maya temples for me are a great curiosity. The Maya civilization it’s still surrounded of mystery and secrets. But then I thought going there wouldn’t mean I would discover these secrets. I would probably leave at the end of my vacation with maximum whatever other tourist left. So my thoughts went towards the Amazon Jungle. Why? Probably because I can see myself there more than in all the other places and I think there are dozens of possibilities there.

Some of the things I would like to visit in the Amazon Jungle would be: the Amazon Rainforest, the Amazon River, the city of Manaus, the Anavilhanas Archipelago, Rio Negro, Ponta Negra Beach, Botanical Garden, Municipal Park and last but not least the Nazi graveyard that was discovered deep in the Amazon rainforest.
The Amazon rainforest would be, in my opinion, a great place to see a large variety of animal and insect species. The trees there are magical. It is believed that they can bring rain if you knock their trunk and also you can drink water from them. I would definitely try that. I would probably eat every kind of fruits I could because I am sure there are fruits there, I can’t even imagine existed.

I would try to integrate in a tribe like shipibo-conibo. This tribe believes, like me that all the plants and animals have their own spirit and they communicate between themselves, but also with the people that know how to listen. I would also try to learn from this tribe the healing power of plants. Building a hammock out of tropical creepers and live in a clan would be a one in a lifetime experience. I would learn to communicate without being stopped by the language barrier. Piranha fishing, alligator spotting, tiger riding are just more of the crazy things I would do. Another one would be to canoe through the endless water of the Amazon, which holds 20% of the fresh water on the planet. I would also like to swim with this rare species of pink dolphins that live in the waters of the Amazonian rivers.

In the city of Manaus I would probably shop, visit ecological parks, a famous opera house named Teatro Amazonas which is a copy of “Grand Opera de Paris” and one of the most significant neoclassic monuments in Brazil.

Other things I wouldn’t miss doing in the city of Manaus are visiting the giant water lilies, forest trekking, swim and canoe in placid lakes.

Anavilhanas Archipelago is the world’s largest fresh water archipelago of river islands, and it is located on the Rio Negro, 100 km from Manaus. Anavilhanas is made up of 400 islands covered with forest – a great location for exploring. I would love to see its black waters and the white sandy beaches and natural formations of roots and trunks that are revealed during the dry season.

While reading about the Amazon Jungle, I came across this news that a Nazi graveyard was discovered deep in the Amazon rainforest. My curiosity pushed me to imagine myself there, taking photos and trying to explain myself the existence of this graveyard. What’s it like? How did it come to be there? What do local people know about it?

Alin Petre Negutoiu, 12 ani
Elev al Scolii nr. 56 "Jose Marti" si cursant Shakespeare School

joi, 18 iunie 2009

Eseul castigator al premiului III: grupa de varsta 14-25 ani

The future's bright, the future's blogging

Not many years ago, we used to write down our thoughts and innocent confessions on the coloured pages of perfumed notebooks. Nowadays, hardly do we use a pencil anymore and the paper has been gradually replaced by computers. But how did this ritual of choosing a diary become a simple signing up on a social platform and when did it become so easy for us to confess our thoughts? These are the questions to which the present essay intends to answer, from the perspective of personal blogging.

When one thinks about a diary, the first word that comes to our mind is secret: we used to keep our notebooks in hidden places so that no one could have access to our most private thoughts and feelings. Lately, it all seems to have vanished irreversibly and diaries have become completely public. The main purpose of the person who writes is to share his thoughts with the others and this changes diaries from instruments of self-reflection into means of communication. Therefore, blogs are one of the paradoxes of our century, turning what used to be private into a public product.

My own experience as a blog-owner and also as a blog-consumer in general has taught me that the main quality which can render a blog successful is the ability to entertain its readers. Whether it functions as a personal diary or as an informative instrument, it must always make the others feel satisfied with what they read. It does not matter if one speaks about interesting or annoying situations, useful or unimportant details; it is all a matter of the writing style. There are bloggers that talk about banal everyday events, like feeding their cat or doing the dish, but the way in which they use words is completely mesmerizing and makes people smile when they read. The idea is that you cannot be simply subjective if you want to attract readers and you must focus on style because it is the magic ingredient that will never fail to succeed.

The conclusion of the present paper is that the future of blogging is a very promising one, as the present seems to indicate. Blogs will soon turn into the new media and one of the main weapons of consumption, as they already tend to become an effective means of advertising, successfully promoting products, services and oneself, as a brand.

Irina Ene, 22 ani

Facultatea de Limbi Straine, Universitatea Bucuresti

Premiul II la concursul de eseuri: 11-13 ani

Lost for half a day

The land of one thousand rivers, where we find a half of the earth’s animals, the Amazon jungle has got a beautiful side and a dark one. This jungle is the most mysterious of all the places you’ve ever been. I know why, and I’ll tell you:

Two summers ago I went on a trip with my friends and my biology teacher, Mrs. Elena. While we were walking through that beautiful jungle we heard a noise and a capuchin jumped on my head. Then, it started to scream and other monkeys, big and small sized appeared! We ran as fast as we could and after five minutes of running… we got lost. One of my friends, Maya, started to cry and say that we will never get back home. While she was complaining and asking for her money back I spotted a yellow and black…think looking at us. Its eyes were shining of hunger and then I could hear it starting to growl. Then I understood what it was! It was my favourite animal, the leopard. But it was too close…

“Nobody should move”, I said, but Alex, a stupid boy in my class, started to dance, just not to listen to me! But something stopped him and he started to shiver:

The leopard was coming closer to us, so Alex did the stupidest thing, he ran away. Then the other kids did the same and so I did. The leopard started to chase us (of course), but it hit a tree and fell on the ground. It didn’t hurt itself and fortunately stopped chasing us.

After that we found some sort of a camp whit people dressed funny and with their faces painted.

“Oh, no! Cannibals!” said Hannah.

“Wait! Maybe someone here is talking English”, I said.

“Ye, right!” Hannah said again. But she wasn’t right. Just then, a man dressed almost normally, said:

“Hi, my name is Hohokikirikili, you lost yourselves, didn’t you?

“Aaaaaaah! A cannibal talking English!” Hannah said and ran behind Mrs. Elena.

“Ha ha, how funny you are!” we said.

“No, no ha-ha, Hohokikirikili!!”, the man said again.

He told us things about his tribe and that he is an Indian like them but he went to New York to learn some English. He went back here to take care to his family. He knew the jungle like a bold person knows his scalp, so he showed us the way to the cabin.

When we arrived there we realized that we were missing for about half a day. It was my best adventure ever!!!

Teodora Stoenescu, 12 ani

eleva Scoala Jose Marti nr 56 si cursanta Shakespeare School

marți, 16 iunie 2009

Cursuri de engleza in vacanta

Daca nu v-ati facut inca planuri de vacanta si mai sunteti prin Bucuresti, va asteptam la
cursurile noastre intensive de vara!

Luni (15 iunie) a demarat deja
prima serie de cursuri!

Totusi, aceia dintre voi care vor sa invete engleza intr-un ritm rapid si in acelasi timp sa nu piarda contactul cu limba toat
a vacanta de vara, se mai pot inscrie in urmatoarele perioade de desfasurare a cursurilor:
  • 29 iunie- 10 iulie
  • 13 iulie- 24 iulie
La ce cursuri va puteti inscrie?

Expresul “National Geographic” este gata de plecare intr-o aventura ce ii va purta pe copii de-a lungul si de-a latul planetei, din inghetatele regiuni ale Nordului, la uscaciunea sufocanta a desertului, din misterioasele paduri tropicale in adancurile intunecate ale marilor si oceanelor!

Cursantii vor face ocolul pamantului in 10 zile parcurgand 8 titluri din seria de carti inspirate din documentarele National Geographic. Vor citi, vor asculta, vor privi povesti adevarate, captivante, vor cunoaste oameni remarcabili, animale incredibile, vor vizita locuri fascinante si vor descoperi curiozitati uimitoare ale stiintei!

  • Daca esti elev al claselor VI-VIII, atunci cu siguranta esti candidatul ideal pentru cel mai nou curs ce se va desfasura pe perioada verii la Shakespeare School:"Teenagers Remake of Twilight" (nivel avansat)
In cazul in care v-au fascinat dintotdeauna povestile cu vampiri, a venit vremea sa dezlegati orice cod ce tine de taramul misterios! Familia Cullen recruteaza ucenici acum, dintre cursantii Shakespeare School!
Toata aventura se va finaliza prin realizarea unui
DVD, ce va contine filmarile scenetelor create de voi!

Cursurile se organizeaza in module de cate
2 saptamani si pretul...e de vara: 360 RON (plus suportul de curs)!

Pentru inscrieri va asteptam la sediul nostru
cat mai curand (locurile sunt limitate!): de L-V, intre orele 10.00-18.00!

Acestea sunt numai o parte din cursurile pe care le organizam pentru cei care voi sa aiba o vacanta activa! Dar pentru lista completa a cursurilor intensive de vara, accesati site-ul nostru!
Voi cum veti mentine contactul cu limba engleza in aceasta vara (fiind vorba de o pauza de cateva luni)? Veti urma cursuri de vara, veti citi mai multe carti in engleza sau veti viziona poate filme fara subtitrari?

Eseu premiul II: grupa de varsta 14-25 ani

What makes a blog successful?

I kept asking myself this question for an hour, while I was trying to read the novel my teacher assigned us by tomorrow. If the hero had a blog, it would have been much easier to express his feelings, rather than trying to comite suicide so that the object of his affection wouldn’t mock him anymore. But those are old days, now people are making comments on YouTube, Twitter and writing online diaries. Nowadays we keep in touch with people we never met and share opinions with others, hiding under a username that has no connection with the real us.

We keep online diaries (=blogs) with the hope that people will come to read and support our opinions, making us feel less lonely in a world that is moving too fast. Some blogs are more successful than others and we ask ourselves why. Is that some people are brighter and more popular or they simply know better how to express themselves and how to interact with others? I think is the second option. Starting with the reason why you’re doing it. Not because it’s “in” or “cool” (if that’s the reason, it’s easier to buy a fancy dress), but because you want to, because you have something important to say and share with others. Once you’ve started a blog and written an article you should attract visitors. Here comes the difficult part. Some users are guided by the quote “Make sure you have a different opinion and people will talk about you” trying to shock by publishing rumors and articles that don’t represent them and have no connection with the real life while others send an overwhelming number of emails that are just annoying and useless. Submitting your blog to a regular search engine is easier and it doesn’t ruin your reputation as a blogger, making one in the blogosphere is hard but once you did it, things become easier.

An important rule is the feedback. A blog without comments and feedback is no blog at all. The comments are stating that people do care about what you say, even trough the feedback you receive is not always positive, you should always learn from your mistakes and take into consideration people’s opinion. Another rule is making a good, lasting impression. An original layout and a witty, catchy tagline are always helping your blog to have a big visual impact.

Even trough some of us are predicting that blogs will become so successful that they will replace mainstream media we should take into consideration that after all, they’re just...blogs where normal people are expressing their thoughts and emotions which are only one part of the story, showing just one angle of the reality we’re living in.

Criste Raluca Octavia, 16 ani

Colegiul National Mihai Viteazu, Bucuresti

Eseu premiul II: grupa de varsta 11-13 ani

My Summer Camp Adventure

Last week I went to the circus. It was great: acrobats, jugglers, clowns, and especially animals. There were huge elephants, lazy camels, beautiful white horses, a slim giraffe and a shy kangaroo which hopped around the arena.

It was getting hot and noisy under the circus tent and I was very very thirsty. The children all around me were screaming, clapping their hands, eating popcorn, dancing to the loud music.

Suddenly, there was a small monkey on stage. It had big eyes like saucers and a thin tail. She looked very sad and she covered her ears with her small hands. The kids in the first row threw popcorn and paper balls at it and the monkey had nowhere to hide. She rolled into a ball and stayed there. I couldn’t stand that, so I went down to the arena and picked her up. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

I felt a little dizzy and when I looked around all the people were gone. There were giant green trees and lianas everywhere and a big bird with an enormous beak screamed into my ear. My blood froze when I saw a black tarantula creeping under the leaves, but I had no time to cry. Many little hands grabbed my legs and I was flying upside-down through the jungle like Mowgli, carried by a troop of monkeys.

They took me to their king, in the heart of the Amazonian forest. He said:

“Thank you, my boy, for saving my little daughter. She was caught by bad people and you brought her back. Because you saved her life, I will give you the power to understand the language of animals and birds.”

It was great! I could now hear the panthers planning their attacks. I could avoid the snakes which hissed in the grass. A little poisonous frog told me about a treasure hidden under a tree and when I dug there, a thousand precious stones hurt my eyes with their shining rays.

I covered my eyes with my hands. When I opened them, I was in the circus again, and my sister was dazzling me with her multicolored magic wand.

What an adventure!

Matei Sebastian Sersea, 12 ani

Liceul "Nichita Stanescu", Ploiesti

duminică, 14 iunie 2009

Eseu castigator premiul I- categoria 14-25 ani

Blogs- a contemporary milestone

Big things are those remembered by history. Their grandeur is firstly spread with words and then measured up with numbers. This is the common path followed by every event that leaves a print upon people’s lives, be it good or bad, be it the invention of the Internet or a world war. Blogs don’t make an exception. From a mere activity, often referred to as something fashionable, taking place in the web space, blogs have now achieved the status of a mass phenomenon and statistics indicate millions of blog users all over the world.

History's scene is filled with millions of actors as well. However, only some of them become famous and they represent prototypes for the others. But can a successful blogger be framed in a certain pattern? One might be surprised to know that in some cases it might be easier to climb Mount Everest than to recognize a blogger after only a few talks. This is because blogger's qualities are more of an inner nature, than an outer one. So if one should like to get a glimpse of these qualities, one should search in people's eyes, for eyes bond the inside with the outside. Blogger's eyes have a pupil similar with a pencil's point, because a blogger is, above all, a writer. In fact, this is the major advantage of keeping a blog. It allows you to communicate, though you may not be the best public speaker.

Nonetheless, things are far more complex for a successful blogger. Apart from the essential writing skills, he must also know how to maneuver some other tools. He must be able to select from the myriad of ideas running down his brain those only which deliver effectively the wanted message. Otherwise, the chaos in the writer's words will convey chaos in the reader's mind. Chaos causes discomfort and frustrations, which will determine the blog visitors not to come back to your site again. In order to avoid chaos, the blog themes should be pigeonholed into categories. Pigeonholing is also a technique of the SEO (Search Engine Optimizer) and it will add relevance to the blog and place it nearer to the reader's eye. Another issue a blogger should take into account is the blog's aesthetics, as the blog is a form of art itself and should offer a fusion of feelings to the one who reads it. Pictures, photography, drawings, multimedia are the basic means of sculpting a blogs' beauty. Talking of aesthetics, who is to be considered an expert if not Oscar Wilde, who was the nineteenth century's paragon of aesthetics? He used to say: 'To get into the best society nowadays, one has either to feed people, amuse people, or shock people'. This advice stays available nowadays as well, because, after all, blogs and bloggers have formed their own society.

As far as the blogs' content is concerned, there are no confinements. Freedom of expression feels at home here, along with freedom of identity, as you might sign the blog with your real or made-up name. Though the latter approach might add an aura of mystery to the blog and therefore increase the curiosity of visitors to continue reading it, the effect is beneficial only when it comes to individual blogs. Oppositely, for a business blog, a false or hidden identity might lower the credibility. Business blogs ought to be objective for the very same reason, while in individual cases, loose imagination goes hand in hand with subjectivity.

Where are blogs heading towards? I believe their place in history is that of a faster substitute for the habit of storytelling near a camp fire. It's about networking, about the neeed to express and share, about the art of listening, about comments and feedbacks, about the power of people gathering, about vanished distance and about the beauty of thought.

Having read all this, I name thee knight and reader of my blog. Please feel free to comment. :)

Irina Mihaela Ciortan
Age: 19
Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics

Shakespeare School in Radio Romania Actualitati

Astazi pe frecventa 105,3, de la ora 16.00 incepe emisiunea Lumea Noastra, in cadrul careia se va difuza reportajul despre competitia de eseuri a Shakespeare School! Ora exacta a transmiterii reportajului nu este cunoscuta exact, asa ca urmariti toata emisiunea!

sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2009

Eseu castigator concurs eseuri premiul I : grupa 11-13 ani

Savers of the Amazon Jungle

Finally, school is over! After a year of learning, writing and reading, it’s summer time! Three full months of relaxing under the bright sun and sixty days of having fun, doesn’t it sound good? But wouldn’t it be even better if you’d spend your holiday far away from home, in an unusual place which can’t be visited by anyone, somewhere like… THE AMAZON JUNGLE?

That’s how it started: my friends (Stacy, Michael, Chelsea , Jonathan) and I , nature lovers, wanted to see the luxurious rainforest in reality. For that we had to work very hard, so we all tried our best to contribute, each of us in his way. Jonathan , the team’s ‘’brain’’ built a strange, but non- polluting transportation machine which could take us safely( we hoped) to destination.

After months of preparation, we were ready to launch. The journey was loooooong and crazy , but our friend’s creation worked quite well. As we arrived, we couldn’t believe what we were seeing: a black, white and grey forest, which looked as if it was displayed on an old TV screen . Was that the Amazon Jungle? No ,no we must’ve been wrong when we made the maps, but Chelsea, the geography maniac said that we were exactly where we planned to be. Suddenly we could see an un-coloured monkey jumping in front of us.

‘’Don’t kill us, please don’t kill us!!!’’

We were open-mouthed.

‘’ Of course we won’t! We’re here to see the Amazon Jungle. Are we in the right place?’’ asked Michael.

‘’Yes, you are’’…the monkey started crying.

‘’What happened to your home?’’

‘’ Witch Pollution and Monster Hunter cast a spell, so that the rainforest is no more a living habitat for us. The vegetation is dead, as you can see, and lots of animals have been killed.’’

‘’We’re so sorry. We promise that we’ll save the Amazon Jungle, if there is a way. Is there?’’

‘’You can bring the rainforest back only when children will learn to appreciate this natural wonder.’’

That was really difficult. But we thought of something interesting enough to make kids of our age love nature, as we do. And I had a brilliant idea.

‘’Why don’t we make a blog or a site about the Amazon Jungle, kind of a club for children all around the World? It will be fun of course, with games, information and communication. And all that preparing for… an international summer camp in the rainforest!’’

‘’ You’re a genius!’’ my friends said.

So we started working on it and lots of kids were interested. They all took part at the online ‘’classes’’ and at the end of the ‘’term’’ they were all ready for the exotic holiday. Jonathan made a gigantic transportation machine, better than the old one , and we were ready to go.

It was a wonderful week, full with activities of discovering nature. The spell was broken , too, and everybody had fun. Animals were thankful that we could save their home . We made friends, who officially became, at the end of our summer camp, ‘’Savers of the Amazon Jungle’’.

Name : Itu Andreea


School: No. 149, Bucharest

Felicitari candidatilor la examenele Trinity!

Timp de 3 zile, in aceasta saptamana s-au desfasurat la sediul nostru examenele Trinity College London, la care au participat cursantii Shakespeare School cu varste cuprinse intre 8-13 ani.
Emotiile s-au incheiat si candidatii si-au primit rezultatele, diplomele urmand sa fie trimise de la Londra in urmatoarele 3-4 saptamani.

La examen au participat un numar de 113 candidati, din care 68 au obtinut calificativul A, 36 au obtinut B, numai 6 calificativul C, iar 3 din pacate nu l-au promovat. Procentul de promovabilitate este asadar 97%, iar 60% dintre candidati au obtinut calificativul maxim.

Aceasta statistica a determinat-o pe examinatoarea Trinity Faye Drewry sa afirme: "The results reflect a huge achievement, because only 3 failed. It's very rare that it's so few. The standard in Shakespeare School is very high, particularly with the lower grades (grade 1,2,3)."
Concluzia ei dupa cele 3 zile petrecute la Shakespeare School: " I was amazed by your students' pronunciation and communication skills".
Experienta unui examen international le-a dat copiiilor incredere in sine si le-a demonstrat ca pot sustine un dialog cu un profesor nativ pe teme adecvate varstei si intereselor lor. Emotiile au fost foarte mari, mai ales ca pentru multi dintre ei a fost primul examen oral pe care l-au sustinut vreodata! Si atunci cand acest examen mai este si in alta limba decat cea materna, emotia e cu atat mai mare!


Profesorii de la Shakespeare School ii felicita pe toti cei care s-au incumetat sa treaca printr-un examen international! Suntem siguri ca rezultatele obtinute nu vor face decat sa-i motiveze si mai mult in viitor.

Ce sunt examenele Trinity College London?

We hope that this exam will inspire them all to reach for the STARS!

vineri, 12 iunie 2009

Ce spune media despre festivitatea de premiere de la Shakespeare School?

Iata reflectarea in mass-media a festivitatii de premiere de ieri, desfasurata la Shakespeare School.

BizCampus (parteneri media) a scris despre faptul ca "2009 Shakespeare School Essay Competition si-a premiat castigatorii", va invitam sa cititi si voi!

Site-ul, unul dintre partenerii nostri media ai concursului de eseuri a postat de asemenea un articol despre "Festivitatea de premiere a Shakespeare School Essay Competition", ce contine si cateva poze cu premiantii!

Asa cum v-am spus intr-un post anterior, TVR Cultural a transmis aseara un reportaj privind festivitatea de premiere, la Jurnalul de la ora 19.00. Daca nu l-ati vizionat live, il puteti viziona si online la acest link. Reportajul cu Shakespeare School incepe la minutul 1:45 (asadar ori derulati, ori vizionati stirea care este inainte).

Speram sa va placa!!!

In plus, desi nu au fost prezenti la festivitate, prietenii copiiilor de la Radio Itsy Bitsy au aflat despre eveniment si au luat un interviu directorului Shakespeare School, difuzat chiar la matinalul de astazi! Noi am facut rost de inregistrare si va invitam sa fiti cu urechile pe ea!

Itsy Bitsy.mp3

joi, 11 iunie 2009

Premiantii au mancat cartea lui Shakespeare!

Festivitatea de premiere a concursurilor de eseuri le-a adus participanţilor şi un premiu surpriză - un tort imens în formă de carte deschisa cu artificii, avand pe una din "file" imaginea dramaturgului William Shakespeare. Asadar, concurentii au avut ocazia sa deguste la "propriu" o carte a lui Shakespeare!

Iata concurentii in gradina centrului nostru, degustand din "cartea" de martipan:

Dar in ce au constat premiile? Talentul si creativitatea tinerilor au fost rasplatite prin oferirea de cursuri intensive de vara GRATUITE la Shakespeare School (in valoare de peste 340 RON), dar si cu carti, dictionare, materiale de curs, enciclopedii si genti pentru documente oferite de Fischer International, sponsorul oficial. In plus, am acordat premiilor speciale o reducere de 50% la cursurile noastre intensive de vara, datorita departajarii foarte stranse intre concurenti (diferentierea s-a facut la cateva zecimi de puncte).

Jurnalistii prezenti au luat si interviuri castigatorilor, care s-au descurcat de minune in fata reportofoanelor (au fost reprezentanti ai Radio Romania Cultural, Radio Romania Actualitati, agentia de stiri Agerpress, TVR Cultural, site-ul

Va vom tine la curent cand apar aceste interviuri in presa scrisa, respectiv la radio!

Iata ce au declarat castigatorii premiului intai in cadrul interviurilor pentru ziaristi:

Andreea Itu- premiul I, grupa de varsta 11-13 ani:
"Această competiţie a fost o ocazie minunată pentru mine de a participa şi de a-mi măsura forţele cu copii de vârsta mea. Am vrut să văd şi la ce nivel mă aflu în învăţarea limbii engleze. De asemenea, tema şi ideea acestui concurs a fost interesantă şi atractivă. Cele 250 de cuvinte nu m-au lăsat să îmi arăt toată creativitatea, dar am scris foarte pe scurt. Am scris despre pădurea amazoniană, despre mine şi despre prietenii mei care iubesc natura", a spus Andreea Itu, câştigătoarea locului I, elevă la Şcoala 149 din Bucureşti.

Irina Ciortan, premiul I- grupa de varsta 14-25 ani:

"Concursul acesta a dovedit că cei care fac informatică nu sunt neapărat înguşti la minte şi pot obţine premii şi în literatură. Tema lucrării mele a fost blogurile - piatră de cumpănă a secolului nostru şi am scris despre cum poţi face un blog să devină de succes. Studiez engleza de la opt ani şi am lucrat circa trei ore pentru acest premiu", a declarat ocupanta locului I, la categoria de vârstă 14 - 25 de ani, Irina Ciortan, studentă la Facultatea de Cibernetică din cadrul ASE Bucureşti.

Noi multumim tuturor celor care au avut curajul sa-si manifeste originalitatea si creativitatea in limba lui Shakespeare! You're ALL winners, congratulations!!!