Cam asa suna cerinta pentru cel mai nou concurs adresat elevilor de liceu organizat de Shakespeare School, in parteneriat cu site-ul studentie.ro.
Intra acum in concurs si poti castiga unul din cele 3 premii puse in joc oferite de Shakespeare School:
Premiul cel mare- "Main Course", in valoare de 299 RON, consta in participarea gratuita la trainingul general de un week-end, recomandat tuturor celor care se afla la prima aplicatie pentru o universitate britanica. Trainingul va avea loc pe 27-28 martie 2010, la sediul Shakespeare School din Str. Dimitrie Racovita nr.11, sector 2, iar trainerii vor fi doi studenti la prestigioase universitati din UK.
Premiul al doilea consta in oferirea serviciului de consiliere gratuita pe eseu "Personal Statement SOS", in valoare de 250 RON. Pachetul include ore de consultanta nelimitata pe eseu, one-to-one! BONUS: acum pachetul Personal Statement include si corectarea + feedback valoros pentru reference letter (scrisoarea de recomandare), un alt document important al aplicatiei.
Premiul al treilea consta intr-o reducere de 50% din taxa de participare la Main Course, trainingul de un week-end incluzand: suportul de curs, pauzele de cafea si certificatul de absolvire!
Pentru a va convinge de succesul avut de prima editie a Main Course, iata feedback-ul catorva dintre participantii prezenti la trainingul de un week-end din decembrie 2009:
"Inspirative, thoughtful and extremely informative. I mostly liked the interaction with students, professionalism and fairness."
"It was well structured and gave me an overall image about what it takes to study in the UK. I liked the information that was provided to us. I particularly liked the short videos and the fact that I've found out how it is to be a student in the UK."
"What would i suggest the trainer? Keep up doing this programme! It is a very good course, it saves a lot of time for us!:) It's a very good programme with a lot of information and resources. The trainer was very helpful, the atmosphere was pleasant and the resources were excellent!"
"Very interesting and covering 99% of the things related to the admission to a university in the UK. I liked the most the video-call. It's wonderful to chat with a student in UK and find out details about student life in UK."
"Very good, it helped a lot in considering studying in the UK. It also gave me relevant examples of universities. I liked the most the details and explanations about Personal Statement and the Reference letter."
Daca v-au convins, inscrieti-va in concurs si aveti sansa sa participati gratuit la trainingul din martie!
Informatii detaliate despre cum va puteti inscrie la concursul "Study abroad- I CAN!" gasiti pe site-ul partenerilor nostri de la studentie.ro! Mult succes tuturor concurentilor!